Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pre-Mish Buggit List

First things first: I'm a missionary blog junkie. Lichrully my poison. I pretty much follow all missionary blogs I find. So finding Karlie's blog was no exception. Lemme say it now: I don't know her in the real actual people world. BUT, I adore her posts and had to ("had to" hah) make my own list! I've had a sort of mental list stored in my brain, but making a record of it seems thooper intriguing to mine mind :). Before I get cracking, check out her post!

click me   
click me   
(They're all the same... Choose wisely.)

Diving right in:

[X]Pillbox at sunrise
So um. Sunrise... Sunset. Close enough.
[]Makapu'u lighthouse at sunrise (no can handle at any other time of the day)
[X]Fave shave ice
Am I the only one who didn't know Shimazu's is closed on Mondays? 
Anyway. Again. Close enough. Waiola's is always g.
[X]Go hard at Halloween

 And hard we did go. 2 dances. 1 haunted house. Too much candy. Down people. Need I say more? I needn't. Shout out to everyone who let me bum pictures off them xx
[]Go hard on Thanksgiving
[X]Go hard on Veterans Day (Savers sale, holla) 
[]Read Allegiant
[XX]Dance my face off
Two times' the charm, but trust you don't want none of this. Noo dancey pictures.
You're welcome. 
[]Omega Station
[]Feed the ducks (FDB)
[X]Visit graves
I promise I worked too. It is not what it seems.

[]Read BOM
[]6 consecutive beach days
[]Swap meet- whyyyy not
[]Eat poke. All day err day
[]Dim Sum myself into kanak attack

May or may not add stuffs in.
May or may not forget to pictify things.
May or may not get ta do everything (fingers crossed)
Here goes!

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