Monday, July 21, 2014

1st full week in Willow Creek- BE STILL MY BEATING HEART. I love June in Colorado. Even with the hail and the lightning and the thunder and the rain. I've declared it to be my favorite month up here. Sister Lee and I are finding ourselves SUPER busy (can I get an amen, hallelujah?) in our area and have found that we both have a sincere reverence for Korean food. The beginning of a BEAUTIFUL companionship I tell you. BEAUTIFUL. That's why I'm peanut butter and she is jelly "and we're so happy on a little piece of bread." Sister Lee's teaching me that song! Stinkin cute.

She loves folding laundry! Which is amazing becauuuuuuse folding laundry is not my #1 favorite in the world.
There are these 2 apartment complexes separated by a little brook/creek (not sure what the technical term for it is) that we crossed while we were out visiting people. It was cute and all... until we saw the bridge jusssst around the river bennnnnnd that connects the apartments hahahaha. We felt... ridiculous. But it was fun to feel like Indiana Jones for a brief moment.

On Sunday (Father's Day! Happy Father's Day!) in Gospel Principles class (Sunday School) I thought I lost my CTR ring that I got in my last area from a member that is sooo dear to my heart. My heart DROPPED. Something was nagging inside me saying "it's just a ring, suck it uppppp" and something else trying to tell me not to worry about it,  but I still felt really junk about it because it meant so much (Sister Fullmer was given a matching one too). But still couldn't bring myself to honestly worry about it. I think that's what made me feel the worst. Did I really not care about the ring so much that I wouldn't even bother to look for it? Long story short it was in the bottom of my purse (hehe) but I was taken back by the tears that came when I first realized I didn't know where it was. Love is a crazy thing. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir when I say this, but it really does change EVERYTHING. Understand who loves you. Let yourself be filled with love. That sounds really wishy-washy but I'm realizing that WE draw lines and limits to our capacities to love and be loved. I feel like I keep talking about this every week. Let me just say that THIS is what I've learned mostly in the past 6 months as a missionary. Understanding love. The love that I have for my family. The love I have for my friends. The love I have for my beautiful Hawaii. The love that my parents have for me. I feel I might never fully understand how perfectly and completely our Savior and Heavenly Father love me, but I feel it constantly. And I am so grateful for that unrelenting love. A love without a maximum capacity. Pray to understand (Alma 37:37-37). I have. The world is an awful lot more gorgeous when you try to see it through the Savior's eyes.

Quote of the week: When you find who you are, you will be sorry you didn't try harder.

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LOVE YOU.

UGH. Sneakiest bridge ever.

Me und Sister Lee! Official Introductionalionary Picture.

--xo, Sister Bush

This week I said goodbye to Cherry Creek and hello to Willow Creek Ward.
Ah! Chchchchchanges. I have no idea what to expect, but I am really REALLY stoked to be here. It's just a stones throw from my last area actually... hehe.

Oh! My new companion! Sister Lee! Sister Lee is sooo lovely. She's from Korea. And Orem.. That too.
Oh! We had a mission conference last week so all the missionaries that came out in December got together. It was great to see everyone, and I loved how we all just fell right back into step with one another. Everyone's ridiculous.... and dramatic. I love it.

More on the new stuff next week though. It's gonna be real int'ressin.

I love you!

Xo, Sister Bush

Hello :). My heart's happy this week. SO happy. Trying to pull words that'll help me explain that statement. I can't. Trying to remember specific things that happened in the past week that would help me explain that statement. I can't :). I'm not very helpful, am I? Sorry.

....This week I had the opportunity to see a lot of other people be happy. Especially getting emails (and pictures!!!) from home this week. Graduation, wedding, BEBES :D. One of my favorite things in life (like top 3 favorite) is watching peoples faces unfold into a smile. I feel like I saw a lot of that this week, and I am just relishing in the warmth that is everyone else's happiness. It's great. I love that there are so many things to love in this life and my heart MELTS when someone finds the greatest love in this life. The love that our Savior has for us. What do you do differently when you know that someone loves you? What stays the same? ...Everything and nothing. Right? Haha.
I still can't explain the giddiness that I have right now. I don't really feel the need to though.
My heart is filled with love. I think the difference is where that love is sourced from.

1. I feel my Savior's love
In all the world around me.
His Spirit warms my soul
Through ev'rything I see.

2. I feel my Savior's love;
Its gentleness enfolds me,
And when I kneel to pray,
My heart is filled with peace.

3. I feel my Savior's love
And know that he will bless me.
I offer him my heart;
My shepherd he will be.

4. I'll share my Savior's love
By serving others freely.
In serving I am blessed.
In giving I receive.

He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.

Hahaha I just reread everything I just wrote. I stand by it all, but this week wasn't perfect. At all. Contrary to the lovey-dovey overtone of all that. But juuuust like how I couldn't think of anything specific really (I could if I sat and tried but time... ohhh time) to justify my giddiness, I REALLY can't think of anything negative worth mentioning that would explain why this week wasn't perfect. I like that. "There's just no room for darkness in our lives." There really isn't. I know this to be true, but I'm learning it more everyday. Or I'm trying to anyway...

This coming week is looking fantastic, wouldn't you say? It's a good week to have a good week!
I love you all soo so much

We went to the zoo!

should we?

Moto Moto


prettiest road in Colorado that I've seen so far. Last time we drove down this road it was hwhiiiiiite (think museum... forever ago)

--xo, Sister Bush